Exercise: Make the Tests Pass
As a way of making sure your code doesn't break over time, we write testing code to test our code. That would like something like this: expect(addTwo(5)).toEqual(7)
. As long as your tests pass, you can deploy new code with confidence that you didn't break old things in the process of launching new code. It's a failsafe of sorts.
In this exercise, I wrote a bunch of tests that you need to make pass. You will not need to write any HTML or CSS. In the preview window, you'll see a summary of how many tests you have made pass and how many are still failing. The best approach here is to tackle each test one-at-a-time and ignore the others. You can even make other tests not run by changing the test-calling functions to be xdescribe
or xit
or you can only one test/suite run by changing them to fdescribe
or fit
, just remember to change them all back to it
and describe
These tests are hard. Be prepared for that. You're finished when you make all your tests pass.
The sorting one is particularly tough. If you need help, check out my other course here and scroll down to the bubble sort part.